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Vehicle History Report

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VIN must be made up of exactly 17 characters and belongs to a vehicle manufacturer after 1980.

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Is the vehicle hiding something?

Let CarValid Vehicle History report reveal the facts!

Is the vehicle hiding something?

Let CarValid Vehicle History report reveal the facts! Previous events in a vehicle history can have a massive impact on the vehicle’s safe operation as well as its resale value. Getting the facts can help you in making an informed decision so you can make that purchase decision in confidence.

CarValid comprehensive reports can inform you about a wide range of events such as previous accidents, flood damage, hail storm damage, mileage roll back, recalls, liens, taxi or official use, tow/repossession, total loss, lemon law buy back, sale history, salvage records and more...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ut nisi leo. Curabitur placerat aliquam nunc vel commodo. Nulla fringilla faucibus mi vel vulputate. Nullam nec lorem a ligula tempus congue sit amet vel turpis.
- John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ut nisi leo. Curabitur placerat aliquam nunc vel commodo. Nulla fringilla faucibus mi vel vulputate. Nullam nec lorem a ligula tempus congue sit amet vel turpis.
- John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ut nisi leo. Curabitur placerat aliquam nunc vel commodo. Nulla fringilla faucibus mi vel vulputate. Nullam nec lorem a ligula tempus congue sit amet vel turpis.
- John Doe
Accident History

Accident History Accident History

Check vehicle for accidents. Get accident related details such as dates, severity of damage, location of impact, total loss indicators, salvage auction records and more...

Sale & Lien Records

Sale & Lien Sale & Lien Records

Find out if the vehicle you are intending to purchase has any outstanding liens, loans or repossession events. Access past sale dates, amounts, states of sale, lien holder/bank names and more...

Title brand & details

Title brand & details Title Brand & Details

Uncover vehicle title brand and past title event details! Whether the vehicle was in a previous collusion or involved in a theft, flood or any other reason the insurance company branded the vehicle title. We give you the tools to help you decide if you really want to own a vehicle previously written off as a total loss.

Title brand & details

Odometer check Odometer Check

Access historical and current odometer readings to check for possible odometer roll back and tempering with mileage readings. Access historical and current odometer readings to check for possible odometer roll back and tempering with mileage readings.

Title brand & details

Theft history check Theft History Check

In addition to checking if the vehicle was ever registered as a theft recovery vehicle, CarValid identifies active theft indicators.

Title brand & details

Problem checklist Problem Checklist

CarValid problem checklist may include potential hidden damage and bad history details such as: Taxi/Government use, lemon law claims, record of reconstruction and other past or current undisclosed damage and negative events.

Buy your new pre-owned car with confidence.

Run a CarValid Vehicle History Report first!

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